529 Plans Grow Amidst Market Volatility

Investors deposited a record level of gross contributions into 529 college savings plans with $33 billion in 2018, compared to $29 billion in 2017.

529 Dash Podcast 1: ABLE Market Data Update

On February 10, 2019, this short podcast on the ABLE industry was created live during a presentation and includes a market data update on the volume of assets and number of accounts as of 4Q 2018 with benchmark comparisons.

4Q 2018 Strategic Insight 529 and ABLE Data Highlights

Here is the latest market data by Strategic Insight that can be used by the media and other organizations, and contact Strategic Insight for more information and commentary on its proprietary data, research, events and digital publications.

3Q 2018 Strategic Insight 529 and ABLE Data Highlights

Here is the latest market data by Strategic Insight that can be used by the media and other organizations, and contact Strategic Insight for more information and commentary on its proprietary data, research, events and digital publications.